Live Virtual MODAPTS® Training & Certification

Do you or your team want a live learning experience online? Eisbrenner Productivity Group has the solution for you! With a LIVE virtual MODAPTS® Training and Certification class, Ed will customize his course as he would on-site, only he will deliver it online. You and your team can log in from anywhere with an instruction customized to benefit your team.

Start with a FREE Consultation

You could browse our site for the next hour OR schedule a FREE 20-minute consultation with Eisbrenner Productivity Group (EPG) founder, Ed Eisbrenner. Ed will review your company goals and customize a solution to meet your needs.
free MODAPTS consultation

Customize Your Company’s Experience

While people love to have Ed Eisbrenner out to their plant, sometimes it’s just not in the cards. We learned a lot about how to efficiently conduct this training and subsequent certification. In 3-days you will complete your training and the following day Ed will administer the test for your certification. In just 3.5 days you and your team can be fully MODAPTS® Certified.

MODAPTS® is the Language of Work. You will improve productivity with ease and efficiency. Ed has helped clients unlock the full potential of their organization. Increasing productivity while also improving safety! There is no need for complicated software or advanced degrees. MODAPTS® is for everyone at every level.

For years Ed has been a MODAPTS® leader, developing the first online course and most comprehensive course of its kind. Ed’s trained hundreds of individuals worldwide in the MODAPTS work measurement system.

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