A healthy workplace is reflected in employee attitudes and heightened worker production standards based upon ergo friendly design tasks, workstations and environment. Attaining visible workplace health remains the most holistic approach to solving workplace and employee productivity issues. It takes into consideration the “whole” picture – which often includes the physical, environmental, intellectual, spiritual, emotional, occupational and mental health of your company’s employees.

Workplace wellness promotion is a solution that results in more than just an organization with healthy processes and contented employees. It is a productive workplace that retains its employees. More and more organizations today are creating Health and Welfare Committees. This group is responsible for recognizing health and safety concerns as well as identifying the solutions.

Workplace Wellness Also Includes: Ergonomics, and Predetermined Time Standards

Human resource professionals point to studies demonstrating that investing in work-life balance and wellness initiatives:

  • Decreases absenteeism
  • Improves productivity
  • Increases both morale and work relationships
  • Reduces stress
  • Inspires new employees
  • Serves to retain current employees

In today’s hectic world – employees have proven they are drawn to – and stay with – organizations that help them accomplish both life-balance and personal satisfaction. While people may be drawn by a passion for an organizations’ mission statement – time and again it has been proven they will burnout or get turned off if their work-life balance is out of whack for too long.

Ergonomics: Solving Work-life Balance Issues

Body ergonomics for employees in assembly positions and other labor-focused tasks means protecting body wellness so that each person can continue performing to the highest levels achievable. Healthy balance for employees also means maintaining productivity goals and team cohesion objectives.

Work-life balance initiatives need to be based on employee needs. Discovering what initiatives would enhance a greater sense of work-life balance may involve deliberate one-on-one discussions amongst co-workers and team leaders.

Breaking Down Productivity Issues into Solvable Components

Consulting with your staff provides the chance for an opportunity to talk through any concerns and resistance to applying new processes and methods to improve productivity and healthy workplace balances. MODAPTS is the “Language of Work”.

In order for any work-life balance initiatives to be successful, they must not only support employees but also must fit with organizational needs.  MODAPTS facilitates communication with people from other cultures.

Educate your staff, senior management and any board members about the rationale for work-life balance initiatives and the benefits to employees and the organization. Success requires commitment from all staff, including the board of directors. Depending on your organization’s culture, change may be easy – or more difficult – to implement.

Predetermined Time Standards, (PDTS)

Efficiency is a major component of team effectiveness. Adopting methods and processes that deliver the ability to use precision timing for activities and processes that drive your business is mandatory. Competitive business means implementing methods like modular breakdowns of regularly performed tasks for the most efficient, ergonomically sound performances.

When employees are trained in significant and quality-focused, task-focused training – you cultivate a circle of protection around the quality standards required to maintain effective cost efficiencies. Why not train and re certify your employees in the easiest to learn and simplest to use of all PDTS? MODAPTS!